by bpollard | Aug 10, 2022
Respondents to the latest State of HR report list burnout as the greatest consequence of the pandemic. In fact, the Great Resignation lingers, in part, because the burnout has gotten worse. Now, companies are facing inflation, the yanking of job offers, and the...
by bpollard | May 16, 2022
“Suck it up,” “cheer up,” “snap out of it,” “but you don’t look sick”- these are just some of the phrases that well-meaning friends and family tell loved ones struggling with mental health issues. Research shows that one in five adults struggle with mental health...
by bpollard | May 2, 2022
Mental health and wellness in HR are becoming top priorities for employers. In fact, HR leaders named mental health and wellbeing as their third biggest problem, behind the labor shortage and retaining talent, in the latest HR Exchange Network State of HR report. In...
by bpollard | Mar 9, 2022
Question We’ve been both super busy and understaffed recently. Is there anything we can do during this time to help our employees avoid extra stress or burnout before we can hire more employees? Answer Yes. Here are a few things you can do to make this time run as...
by bpollard | Feb 15, 2022
February is American Heart Month, a time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health. Do you know how to keep your heart healthy? You can take an active role in reducing your risk for heart disease by eating a healthy diet, engaging in physical activity,...
by bpollard | Mar 15, 2021
Do these promises sound familiar? “When I have kids, I’ll never let them eat XYZ.” “My kids will always eat whatever I put in front of them.” “Our family will never eat out all the time.” We’ve all said them at some point in our lives and, whether we’ve started a...